Oksana Langolf
Accounting and tax support of foreign representative offices in the Russian Federation
I am a tax consultant and the owner of the serving accountant, which specializes in
accounting, legal and tax services to foreign representative offices and subsidiaries of foreign companies on the territory of the Russian Federation.
I offer cooperation in all phases of doing business in Russia
Chief Accountant of manufacturing, construction and trade companies
Since 2002 - Chief Accountant of manufacturing, construction and trading enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses.
Since 2010 – the owner of the company, which is engaged in the conduct of accounting, tax, personnel records, registration of companies and foreign representative offices in the Russian Federation, also provides legal support to business.
Serving foreign representative offices in the Russian Federation
From 2009 to the present I have close cooperation with companies of the European Union that do business in the Russian Federation - accounting and submission of required reports, representing the interests of the company to regulatory authorities, consulting on doing business in Russia
Tax consultant, tax consultant security
Since 2010 I am a certified tax consultant. Business developed and implemented designs have helped companies make their business more resilient to the risk of tax audits and additional tax payments.
Tax auditor
I conduct a tax audit and audit of tax risks in companies. Identification of errors made in the process of tax accounting in companies. Over 50 inspections conducted
Host of tax security seminars and webinars
Since 2014 I am the author and host of seminars that are held for beginning entrepreneurs, as well as owners of small and medium-sized businesses
"Finance and Credit" at Ukhta State Technical University
graduation year – 2000
"Accounting, analysis and audit" at Mari State Technical University
graduation year – 2003
Specialization "Tax Consultant" at the Russian New Open University
graduation year - 2010
Certification in the Russian Federation Chamber of Tax Consultants
year attestation - 2010, re-certification every two years.
Valid certificate - until 2021
Professional skills
  • - Professional qualifications in accounting and tax accounting
    - Successful implementation of projects in the client’s company related to setting up accounting, creating a safe business structure of the company, rationing accounting and costs.
    - Excellent ability to identify systemic and non-systemic errors in accounting and company structure, as well as the development of methods for their timely identification and elimination
    - Excellent communication skills
    - Multi-tasking customer focus
IP Oksana Langolf
INN 110207660563 OGRNIP 309121528200096
e-mail: oksana.langolf@tax-security.ru
tel +7 916 012 08 86

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